Why Local Missions?

Take a look at the graphics below to learn how local missions are both effective and wise stewardship.  II Timothy 2:2

Local Missions are Effective: National missions are 15x lower cost and national church planters can plant churches in 4x less time, due to their knowledge of local language, culture and customs.

  • Time: The foreign sending mission model requires extensive time to relocate, learn the language, and understand the culture so the gospel can be spread in an effective, contextual way.
  • Funding: The average Investment required to keep an American missionary in the field for 4 years is $284,000. The average investment to fund a national church planter engaging in nearby/local missions for 4 years is $6,000-$45,000.
  • Outcome: Under the national church plant model, it only takes 1-2 years to see believers and church plants form, and those churches begin to plant more churches within 4 to 10 years.

Local Missions are Wise Stewardship: National missions are 15x lower cost than foreign sent missionaries.

  • Transitions Driven Funding: Most of the funding for missions continues to support a foreign spending missionary model. In this model, a single church plant can cost between $400,000 and $1,000,000 or more.
  • Stewardship Driven Funding: With careful implementation, churches and donors can directly fund the local church planters. This lowers the cost of a single church plant to between $1,000 and $20,000 on average.  Many more who have never heard can be reached and discipled with available resources.
  • Foreign Sending Missionary: The average investment required to keep a foreign sent missionary in the field for 4 years is $284,000 with the average American missionary raising $71,000 annually.
  • National Missionaries: The average investment to fund a national church planter engaging in local missions for 4 years is between $6,000 and $45,000.